An attractive journal to support you while you are working with all types of essences.
• Journal prompts that help you organise and record information and observations about each essence journey
• Prompts to deepen your exploration and open into your subtle awareness and sensitivity.
• A place to unfold your process of awakening and help you on your learning edge as you work through the arising issues in your life.
• A simple and attractive design to invite you into a conscious co-operation process with nature and your own higher self, as you tune in and align with the special qualities of each essence or blend.
• Download the journal once, and use it as many times as you wish; you can print and write, or type in your journal entries.
• Created by an advanced essence practitioner and journal writing facilitator.
• Journalling your experience of working with essences, whether you are working with a practitioner or working independently can help you experience a more beneficial outcome, through the process of aligning your intent and focus with the essences.